

Scheme of delegation

The Board of London TravelWatch is appointed by the London Assembly to give strategic direction to the organisation in its work speaking up for London Transport Users. In particular, it is the Board which agrees what stance should be taken in respect of key transport policy and operational matters.  The Board makes these decisions in public.

The Board’s agreed perspectives are consolidated into a scheme of delegation which is used to guide the day to day work of the Secretariat. This was last updated in 2021.

Freedom of Information

As a public body, London TravelWatch is covered by the Freedom of Information Act. If you have a Freedom of Information request, please send these to info@londontravelwatch.org.uk.

Other useful information

Transparency policy

Publication Scheme

Memorandum of Understanding 

Annual accounts

Annual review 2023-24

Business plan 2023-24

Expenditure logs (spending of £500 and above)

Contracts above £5,000