1.5 million Londoners are being left behind by a digital-first approach to transport.

1 in 6 people in London say they are unable to buy a ticket as they can’t use or don’t have access to a smartphone or internet connection.

1 in 5 Londoners say they have paid more for travel because they are not able to buy tickets online or by using mobile apps.


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Our recommendations

  • Transport authorities and operators should maintain non-digital options to allow freedom of travel for digitally excluded and disadvantaged Londoners.
  • Train companies and Transport for London should make sure staff are visible and in accessible locations, confident and ready to support people who need it.
  • Train companies should implement a dedicated travel mentoring scheme that supports people who are digitally excluded and disadvantaged.
  • Online discounts should also be available offline – no Londoner who is digitally excluded or disadvantaged should be financially penalised when they travel.
  • When planning changes, transport authorities, operators and policing bodies need to work with specialists in digital inclusion to make sure information is as accessible as possible.


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